M45 & M37 redone and New Image M37

Spent some time tonight capturing more images of M45 including some basic color as seen here

All Images were done through the AT10RC with the STL-11000M2 Camera. Images are Binned 2×2

First up is a redo of M45 – The Pleiades This is 6 x 360 second exposers @ -20c + 1 x 360 for Red, Green & Blue Stacked and Aligned in MaximDL then touched up In Photoshope CS 4



The Pleiades, also known as Messier 45 (M45), are among those objects which are known since the earliest times. At least 6 member stars are visible to the naked eye, while under moderate conditions this number increases to 9, and under clear dark skies jumps up to more than a dozen (Vehrenberg, in his Atlas of Deep Sky Splendors, mentions that in 1579, well before the invention of the telescope, astronomer Moestlin has correctly drawn 11 Pleiades stars, while Kepler quotes observations of up to 14).


Next is a redo of M37, again more exposer time but no color on this one This is 5 x 360 second exposers @ -20c. Stacked and Aligned in MaximDL then touched up In Photoshope CS 4


Although Messier 37 (M37, NGC 2099) is the brightest of the 3 open clusters in southern Auriga, this cluster was missed by Le Gentil when he rediscovered M36 and M38 in 1749, so that it was to Charles Messier to find this one independently on September 2, 1764. Generally unknown until 1984, all three clusters had been previously recorded by Hodierna before 1654.

Finally Here is something new  M33 – “The Triangulum Galaxy” This is 6 x 180 second exposers @ -20c. Stacked and Aligned in MaximDL then touched up In Photoshope CS 4

M33 - "The Triangulum Galaxy"

The Triangulum Galaxy Messier 33 (M33, NGC 598) is another prominent member of the Local Group of galaxies. This galaxy is small compared to its big apparent neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy M31, and to our Milky Way galaxy, but by this more of average size for spiral galaxies in the universe. One of the small Local Group member galaxies, LGS 3, is possibly a satellite of M33, which itself may be a remote but gravitationally bound companion of the Andromeda galaxy M31.

See the Full Images HERE

January 10, 2012 – New Images Posted

After spending hours workin on Polar Alignment, PEC and pointing on the Paramount I finally settled in to do some basic imaging.  the following are 5-6 minute, unguided exposures thru the AT10RC/STL-11000M

Pixel scale is .92arc/sec per pixel measured through PemPro. Tracking was great but polar alignment is still not quite right.







Paramount ME Periodic Error

I just spent a nice cold night out measuring the Periodic Error on my Paramount ME and can say I’m very happy

Assuming I did everything correct I measured my PE at +1.1/-1.5 or just shy of 3 arc/sec peak to peak (2.6arc/sec) and PemPro Shows it can get this down to +0.4/-0.5 arc/sec

I measured for 12 Work Cycles with 1 second exposuser on my AT10RC with a STL-11000M2 Camera MaximDL was driving the Camera and of course TheSkyX the Mount.

Follow the link for more Information and screen pics of PemPro’s screen
